Crafting Value: Choosing Between Hard or Soft Benefits

Greetings, esteemed reader!

What motivates you more? A virtual badge praising your dedication or a tangible voucher for a free coffee from your favorite café? The decision to offer the fitting reward stems from understanding the nuanced play between hard and soft benefits. Let’s dive deeper.

The Reward Conundrum

When mulling over the concept of rewards, what indeed acts as an incentive? This lies at the heart of designing a successful loyalty program.


Rewards fall into two categories:

  1. Hard Benefits: These are tangible rewards given based on transactions or actions. Think of a “Buy 1 Get 1 Free” deal.
  2. Soft Benefits: These are intangible, focusing on exclusive experiences, privileges, or recognition.

Marketing guru Brian Woolf once mentioned, “Man is an economic animal in search of self-importance.” This underscores the consumer’s dichotomy: the balance between material gains and emotional satisfaction.


The Nitty-Gritty of Hard Benefits

Hard benefits form the foundation of many loyalty programs. For example, the age-old punchcard system: Buy seven drinks, and the eighth is on the house.

However, two challenges emerge:

  • Proportional Reward Logic: A punchcard only works when a purchase is already on the horizon. To truly engage customers, there needs to be a stronger incentive.
  • Competitive Replication: In today’s global marketplace, competitors can easily mimic hard benefits, making it difficult to stand out.


Though practical, hard benefits often don’t tap into the deeper emotional connections that customers crave.

Exploring the Soft Side

If you’ve reached this point, you’re indeed a dedicated reader. As a token of appreciation, here’s your virtual #1 Reader badge. Are you feeling a rush of satisfaction? That’s the power of soft benefits.

Soft benefits focus on eliciting emotions that are often beyond the scope of hard benefits. They encompass:

  • Relational Aspects: Building a sense of community and belonging.
  • Cognitive Aspects: Strengthening identity through visual cues and recognition.

Striking the Right Balance

While hard benefits might initially attract customers, the soft benefits nurture and solidify their loyalty. As Mohamed Abdelgawad, Marketing Director of Dsquares, aptly puts it, it’s not about choosing between the two but finding the ideal blend.


A thriving loyalty program hinges on the perfect interplay between reward and recognition, underpinned by technology and strategic behavioral triggers.


Are you looking to craft a robust loyalty program? Let the experts at Dsquares guide you. Visit our website to learn more.


Thank you, dedicated reader. Your insights and feedback are always welcome. Feel free to email us any suggestions or topics you’d like us to cover.


Oheb H. Elhasan

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